My ideal client


You certainly don’t have to have all of these points in common, but if you have more than a few, it’s worth having a conversation.

  • You run a business that sells to Christians, specifically, or your Christian faith impacts how you treat your clients / customers and employees.
  • You’ve read Building a StoryBrand and trust the framework.
  • You have a good reputation in real life, but your current branding and website do not convey the quality and trust you are known for.
  • You’re embarrassed by your website or feel like you have to make excuses for it because it doesn’t represent you well.
  • You get most of your business through referrals and need to pass “the vibe check” when those referrals check you out online.
  • You’re in professional services or run a business built around your expertise.
  • You struggle to communicate what you do in a way that people can easily understand.
  • Your potential customers struggle to see a meaningful difference between you and your competitors.
  • You sell high-ticket offerings that require a good amount of trust.
  • You need to refresh (or overhaul) your brand and website quickly, but it has to be done right. You value good and fast more than cheap.
  • You’re busy and prefer a “done-for-you” service rather than writing your own marketing content.
  • You hate projects that drag on and on and don’t want to sit in pointless meetings.
  • You want to build a system for qualifying leads before a consultation or a system that makes consultations easier to schedule.
  • You want a full sales funnel so that selling is easier.
  • You’re currently taking clients that are not a perfect fit because you need the revenue.
  • You’re dependent on referrals because you don’t have a solid marketing system in place.
  • You want to charge more, but your branding is holding you back from taking your business to the next level.
  • You’re growing but want to pour fuel on the fire.

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